
'So that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way:

bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.'

Colossians 1:10

BEARING FRUIT doesn't just happen. It takes intentional hard work. Sunlight, rain, and nutrients are all necessary to the fruit bearing process.

And the same is true for us - bearing fruit for the kingdom doesn't just happen. Fellowship, worship, time in scripture and prayer all play a role in living into our calling as FRUIT BEARERS.

FRC offers a variety of ministries and opportunities to help you bear fruit - fruit that will last.

    Sunday School

    4k-5th grade:

    Our children begin their classes right after the church service. Starting with music and then off to Bible Stories.


    Classes are on Wednesday.

    Pastor Zach has a meaningful and fun learning class with games and snacks. 

    4:00pm 10-13 ages

    5:00pm 14+ ages


    Bible Studies

    Men's Bible Study - 6:30 p.m.

    (Mondays of the month)

    Join us as we walk through Scripture one chapter at a time, discussing what each passage means, it's implications for us, the church and the world we live in. We share experiences, our weaknesses, hopes and blessings.

    Women's Ministry - 9:30 a.m.

    (3rd Thursday of the month Sept. - May)

    Women of all ages gather in the friendship room in the lower level at the church for a time of fellowship, bible study, and prayer. We sponsor a Haiti child, and other organizations pertaining to Christian service. 

    Ladies Bible Study - 2:30 p.m.

    (2nd Tuesday, Sept. - Apr.)

    Join us at church for this book study and prayer.